jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Mind Mapping

How can I improve my study skills with Mind Mapping?
Mind Mapping has helped students across the world change the way they make notes, improve their memory and prioritise information. In this article, find out how Mind Mapping can improve study skills quickly and easily.
What is traditional note making?
Traditionally, when studying, we make notes in a linear, list style by making lines and lines of information. By making notes in this way we end up with ugly, dense lines of text which are difficult to read and understand.
Why are linear notes bad?
By writing notes in list form you are forced to isolate pieces of information, and you will feel unable to make connections between your ideas. Your creativity is not excited by linear, monochrome lines of text, meaning that you find ideas written in this way hard to read, and you don't look forward to reviewing your notes
What is Mind Mapping?
A Mind Map is visual map of your ideas, laid out in a radial format around a central thought. To use Mind Mapping for study, simply take the central subject and then organise your notes around this point.
What are the benefits of Mind Mapping while studying?

·         Mind Maps appeal to your senses with their visual elements - images, branch colours and curved branches all add emphasis and ensure that you will remember your notes!
·         By noting down only key words, you save vital time while studying. Also, when you go on to write essays or study for exams from your Mind Maps, you will recall the most important information.
·         You generate ideas simply through making your Mind Map. Your brain actively makes links between ideas, adds connections, puts thoughts in order and generates further creative ideas.
·         Your brain responds to Mind Mapping as it replicates the natural thinking process, so you will find your ideas simply flow onto the page, making studying more enjoyable and more fun!

Mind Mapping as study skills
The Mind Map is a versatile tool, which can improve any aspect of study, including:
·         Essay Planning
·         Essay Writing
·         Studying for Exams
·         Generating Creative Ideas
·         Solving Problems
·         Brainstorming for Group Study
·         Creating and Making Presentation

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